Current Classes
Adults start their time together in the sanctuary as a large group, and then split into two smaller groups for discussion time.
Teenagers meet in the Teen Room in the basement across from the nursery. Through the main doors, take the stairs to your right down to basement. Cross the fellowship area and into the hallway, then turn right. Look for the couches!
Confirmation is an in-depth, two-year study of the Christian faith, typically for 7th-8th graders. We focus of our time around five key themes: The Bible, The Ten Commandments, The Apostles Creed, The Lord's Prayer, & the Sacraments. This pastor/elder-led class is designed to help kids better answer the question: What do I believe, & why?
Littles up to 6th grade attend their own age-appropriate classes, which typically include singing, crafts, & a Bible story. They meet in the basement fellowship area.